Making Decimals

We used plasticine to explore the meaning of decimal numbers.

Here is a time-lapse of everyone at work


The Process
From woe to go!

  1. Ideas
  2. Brainstorm words, events, details
  3. Draft in writing book - edit one
  4. Type up
  5. Double space text
  6. Print for paper editing
  7. Make changes to digital copy
  8. Re-edit
  9. Fix all final errors
  10. Save to dropbox
  11. Open on iPad in Dropbox
  12. Copy text and paste into eBook creator
  13. Save as a PDF back to Dropbox
  14. Share link on class blog

Reviewing Learning

Use time-lapse to record a review or assess prior knowledge about a topic.

In these two videos a group of girls and a group of boys worked together.  What you don't see is the cooperation and the organisation that is going on out of view of the camera.

The same outline plan was used for both groups.  The starting point for these two films is the same.  This was done to provide a model for the students top plan their own work and to allow the groups to function together.

Both films are record of our thinking about our Olympics Learning.  They took about 30 minutes to create.

Time-lapse Lego

Here is another way to use Time-lapse to tell a story.

You need a lot of patience to create a film like this.

Tip: Start small - have a simple project idea to try out - make mistakes and learn from them

Step 1. Have an idea
Step 2. Draw a plan of what you want to do
Step 3. Collect the tools, equipment and prepare what you need to make your film
Step 4. Fix the camera so that it can't move
Step 5. Define your film area so that you only film what you want to
Step 6. Don't have too many characters or too much happening at one time
Step 7. Move your characters fraction by fraction to create your film

Good Luck

Let's Brainstorm some movie ideas

Time Lapse - Sketch

Watch this short video created by a time-lapse of a sketch book.

These short films are a great way to communicate stories or explain concepts and ideas.

What story could you tell in the same way?
Step 1. Think of something simple to explain
Step 2. Do some quick sketches to plan your idea (Tip - the order you do things in is key - so plan well)
Step 3. Time lapse yourself doing good quality drawings
Step 4. Import your film into imovie and add your voice commentary.

Time-lapse Cooperation

Everyone in the class contributed to this creation
I shared a plan and then we created it together in about 20 minutes.

Animation With iPad

How to create an animation on your iPad

We have Animation Creator on our class iPads - try it and see if you can create something